“Getting healthy” isn’t the goal. It’s a tool to recover your life and dreams.

Love your body again.

Good day!

If you found me, you likely feel as though your body is working against you, not for you.

As an RN and lifestyle medicine coach, I help people with chronic illness, autoimmune disease, and suboptimal health to nourish their bodies, ease symptoms, and rediscover a life and body they love.

You don't have to be a victim of a daunting diagnosis and accelerated aging.

You CAN feel good again with my signature plan using lifestyle medicine to nourish your body and restore your energy, health, and joy.

I’m Sharleen Lucas, The RNextdoor.

Love your body. Love your life.

I’ve been where you are and know how you feel.

I know the fear of never feeling good again—the ongoing fatigue, brain fog, chronic symptoms, gut troubles, allergies, infections, and myriad other disease and aging-related ailments.

You feel older than you should, and you're tired of living life in a broken body.

I can help.

Over 4 months, we can ease those symptoms, boost your immunity, calm your chronic disease, and slow your aging.

You can love your body and your life again.

To get you there, we’ll assess your health, make a plan, and follow it through together.

You’ll learn to nourish your body, mind, and self holistically while supporting and following your doctor’s treatment plan, if you have one.

There are two ways to work with me:

NOURISH is an in-person group coaching membership for women. We meet three times monthly in South Fork, Colorado, with other women who together want to reclaim a strong body and mind together through lifestyle medicine, preventing chronic illness and reducing symptoms for those with a diagnosis.

One-on-one coaching targets your health with highly personalized attention, assessment, and plan. My goal is that this is some of the best money you'll ever spend because feeling good is priceless.

More about NOURISH

If you want your body and mind working for you, not against you…

If you want to shed the fear of age and illness…

If you want evidence-based health data that works and fits your lifestyle…

If you want energy to enjoy life and loved ones…

If you want to add lifestyle medicine to your doctor's orders…

If you want the camaraderie of women who make getting & staying healthy FUN & ENJOYABLE…

…then you want NOURISH.

Join us sometime for free!

When: We meet twice monthly — once on a Saturday morning from 10:00am-11:30am and once on a Thursday evening from 5:30pm-7:00pm. We’ve also added a third monthly gathering via Zoom to keep our motivation and inspiration flowing. Contact Sharleen for specific dates.

Where: In-person in South Fork, Colorado

Cost of first meeting: FREE! So you can check us out before you join.

To RSVP: Email me at Sharleen@RNextdoor.com. I’ll respond personally!

To join the monthly membership for $39 per month: Click here.

Who is Sharleen, the RNextdoor?

As an RN, Sharleen Lucas is a health coach and health writer happily based in South Fork, Colorado. After years of her own frustrating health journey and eight years working at the hospital bedside (yes, through COVID), she’s a nut for researching and passing on health tips that work. Her passion is to help you feel fantastic again and take charge of your life through holistic “lifestyle medicine” — preventative self-care that fits your lifestyle, supports your doctor’s orders, and helps you fulfill long-lost dreams.

Love your body. Love your life.

Get the latest NOURISH news as we build this vibrant collection of women. I’ll send updates and simple health tips to put into action.